It's all about the API
-- An exploration of the API Economy and z/OS. Focus on z/OS Connect as well as native service support in CICS and other z/OS subsystems. Will touch on API enablement, API discovery, security, and other aspects of API delivery.
CICS and the Liberty Profile
-- This topic covers the addition of support for the Liberty Profile in CICS TS V5. Description of the Liberty Profile in CICS and the types of Java applications enabled through the Liberty Profile. Discussion of the benefits of running Liberty within CICS.
The CICS Asynchronous API
-- Covering the new CICS API commands introduced in CICS TS V5.4, enhancing asynchronous transaction processing.
Node.js applications and CICS
-- Description of the support CICS TS V5.5 provides for applications coded in JavaScript to execute in the Node.js runtime engine.
Introducing CICS Explorer
-- This topic is a survey of the capabilities of the CICS Explorer and the configuration in which it can be used. This topic only lightly brushes the CICS tools. CICS Tools capabilities are discussed in a separate topics.
Business Event Processing
-- This topic explains the need for Event Processing with CICS-based applications along with details for using non-invasive configuration, the SIGNAL EVENT command, event adapters, tools to configure events, and the event binding file.
CICS and Parallel Sysplex
-- CICS applications in a data sharing environment
-- Achieving high availability for CICS applications
-- The Highly Available CICSPlex - Why does it matter?
-- Sysplex Ready Applications - Removing Affinities
Securing CICS Applications
-- CICS and Network Security
-- Web Services Security and CICS
-- What’s new with CICS Security
Java Applications in CICS
-- CICS applications can be coded in Java. This topic discusses how CICS supports Java and the types of Java applications that can be run in CICS
CICS Connectivity – Securely open up your business transactions
Strategic Connectivity and Integration Options
-- Based on Redbook SG24-5466, this topic covers strategic connection options for CICS integration and interoperability. A survey of the many connectivity options provided by CICS which enable a high degree of integration between CICS and applications executing on other platforms.
CICS and Web Services
-- An introduction to SOAP/XML processing function introduced in CICS TS V3. This topic will provide background on Web services as a technology for integration and highlight specific capabilities provided to the CICS system and its applications.
Programming with Containers and Channels
-- A discussion of CICS services which provide an enhanced mechanism for passing data between and among CICS applications. The presentation will introduce the new data passing facility, the API changes which support its use, and recommended application patterns.
Threadsafe Applications in CICS
Saving Resources - Making applications Threadsafe
-- An overview of threadsafe dispatching in CICS for DB2 and WMQ applications
Focus on CICS Scalability
-- An in-depth look at recent enhancements to CICS TS V4 and V5 which improve the scalability of CICS systems and the applications which execute in them.
Accessing CICS via HTTP
-- This topic discusses of CICS's support for HTTP, allowing the use of standard web browsers and HTTP clients for presentation.
Introduction to CICSPlex SM
-- CICSPlex Systems Manager is an integral component of CICS Transaction Server. This topic provides an overview of the systems management functions provided in CICSPlex SM.
CICS Transaction Gateway
-- There are a couple of options. This session could provide an introduction to the CICS Transaction Gateway and its use in integrating J2EE applications with CICS. For an existing user of the CICS TG, this presentation could provide an overview of recent enhancements.
Cloud Computing and CICS
-- A detailed session covering new facilities introduced in CICS TS V5.1 which enable the packaging and deployment of CICS applications in a manner consistent with emerging practices for Cloud Computing. Focus on CICS Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Software as a Service (SaaS).
Using XML and/or JSON in CICS applications
-- Everything you need to know about facilities provided in CICS for developing applications which process XML or JSON data and transforming data to and from these formats.
Web 2.0 and CICS
-- This topic is a description of Web 2.0 and a survey of the CICS Web 2.0 technologies (Note that this topic has the overview level of the Atom Feeds, Event Processing, and Java presentations. You may not want to include this presentation if you have selected one of the other integration presentations because of the repetition of information.)
ATOM Feeds
-- In addition to covering what an ATOM feed is, this topic details CICS's ATOM Feed support include configuration, and examples of its use.
Managing VSAM data
-- Discussion of practices and tools which make it easier to manage VSAM data: covering backup and recovery, archiving for disaster recovery, GPDS, and availability. There is some overlap between this presentation and the two other VSAM presentations.
Sharing VSAM files between CICS and batch
-- Increasing the availability of VSAM data
Migrating from VSAM to DB2
-- Discussion of tactics to migrate applications from VSAM data stores to Db2. Will include a description of the CICS VSAM Transparency product.